Quinchia Figueroa, Adriana María

Environmental sustainability through soil conservation / Editores Adriana María Quinchia Figueroa, Juan Carlos Loaiza Úsuga, Laura Osorno Bedoya, Ildefonso Pla Sentís, Samir A. El-Swaify, - 214 páginas ; 17x24 cm. - Colección I+D+i Pachamama .

Effects of vegetation management and related practices on slope stability Chapter 1. Progress and set backs in soil conservation research: challenges for the future Chapter 2. Quantification and simulation of evapotranspiration in a mediterranean forest catchment Chapter 3. The streampower concept for assesing the sediment concentration and runoff under simulatef rainfall Chapter 4. Conservation practices are essential land management strategies for climate change mitigation and adaptation Chapter 5. New method for quantifying hydraulic properties of shrinking soils Chapter 6. Water flow evaluations in watersheds with native evergreen forests and eucalyptus plantations by means of stable isotopes in the south of Chile Chapter 7. Natural resource conservation as a key element of land use planning Chapter 8. Effect of changes in land use and management on water and sediment yields in the paya river Chapter 9.


Conservación del suelo
Medio ambiente

Ingeniería ambiental Ingeniería civil Ingeniería geológica Biología Negocios ambientales Proyectos de energía

333.731 / Q71