Gordon, Robert J.

Macroeconomics / Robert J. Gordon.- 12 edición - Twelfth edition - II, 630 páginas : gráficas ; 27x22 cm.

1. What is macroeconomics? 2. The measurement of income, prices, and unemployment 3. Income and interest rates: the Keynesian cross model and the is curve 4. Strong and weak policiy effects in the IS-LM model 5. Financial markets, financial regulation, and economics instability 6. The government budget, the government debt, and the limitations of fiscal policy 7. International trade, exchanges rates, and macroeconomic policy 8. Aggregate demand, aggregate supply, and the great depression 9. Inflation: its causes and cures 10. The goals of stabilization policy: low inflation and low unemployment 11. The theory of economic growth 12. The big questions of economic growth 13. The goals, tools, and rules of monetary policy 14. The economics of consumption behavior 15. The economics of investment behavior 16. New classical macro and Keynesian macro 17. Conclusion: where we stand

10: 1292022078 13: 9781292022079

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