Matzner, Richard A.

Classical mechanics / Richard A. Matzner, Lawrence C. Shepley - 245 páginas ; 24x18 cm.

Mathematical and kinematical preliminaries Chapter 1. Spacetime Chapter 2. Lagrangians and lagrengian systems Chapter 3. Central force fields Chapter 4. Equivalent lagrangians Chapter 5. Rotations and spinors Chapter 7. Dynamic of rigid body motion Chapter 8. Poisson brackets Chapter 9. Canonical transformations Chapter 10. Infinitesimal canonical transformations Chapter 11. Separable hamiltonians and the action-angle formulation Chapter 12. Canonical perturbation theory Chapter 13. Small oscillations and continuos systems Chapter 14.


Ecuaciones--Ecuaciones de Lagrange
Cinemática de cuerpos rígidos
Ecuaciones--Ecuaciones de movimiento (Hamilton)

531 / M446