Linsley, Ray K.

Hydrology for engineers / Ray K. Linsley, Max A. Kohler, Joseph L. H. Paulhus.- 3 edición - Tercera edición - xx, 508 páginas : ilustraciones ; 23x16 cm.

Incluye bibliografía al final de cada capitulo

Introduction Chapter 1. Weather and hydrology Chapter 2. Precipitation Chapter 3. Streamflow Chapter 4. Evaporation and transpiration Chapter 5. Subsurface water Chapter 6. Streamflow hydrographs Chapter 7. Relations between precipitation and runoff Chapter 8. Hydrologic routing Chapter 9. Hydraulic routing Chapter 10. Erosion, sedimentation, and the river basin Chapter 11. Deterministic hydrologic models Chapter 12. Probability in hydrology: a basis for planning Chapter 13. Stochastic hydrology Chapter 14. Hydrology and water quality Chapter 15. Applications of hidrology Chapter 16.


Calidad del agua

551 / L759