Mazidi, Muhammad Ali

TI ARM peripherals programming and interfacing : programming ARM Cortex-M4 TM4C123G with C / Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Shujen Chen, Sarmad Naimi, Sepehr Naimi - 302 páginas : gráficas ; 28x22 cm.

C for embedded systems Chapter 1. TI ARM I/O programming Chapter 2. LCD and keyboard to the CPU Chapter 3. UART serial port programming Chapter 4. TI ARM timer programming Chapter 5. Interrupt and exception programming Chapter 6. ADC, DAC, and sensor interfacing Chapter 7. SPI protocol and DAC interfacing Chapter 8. I2C protocol and RTC interfacing Chapter 9. Relay, optoisolator, and stepper motor interfacing Chapter 10. PWM and DC motor control Chapter 11. Programming graphics LCD Chapter 12.

13: 9780997925920 10: 0997925922

Programación (Computadores electrónicos)--TI ARM
Programación (Computadores electrónicos)--ARM Cortex- M4

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